June 2024 | Issue #36
When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.—John Muir
Fractions Are Numbers that Are Not Whole | Nancy Huggett

Fractions Are Numbers that Are Not Whole
Half of what we say is true. The other half detours and deflects. Half-truths falling like seeds into soil. What will sprout? Half of what we hear scatters too. Even more in doctors’ offices, 3/4s of the facts evaporating under the holographic glare of flickering lights; 1/2 of what is left—1/8th—misremembered. Remembered, misremembered, that day it all floated through fluorescent hallways until I followed its factual tracks, nailed it back in a spiral notebook with a leaky pen because my mother mind, tied vagally to my heart, could not bear the truth of it… Read more
Inbetween | Annaliese Jakimides
Lately, I’ve been writing Instagram posts, compressions of a life, segments of exploration and time. So not a social-media girl, ever, I started in the first pandemic summer—you gone only a year-plus.
No one knows you’re my audience.
Alone. At home. Small apartment. No you. No skin or breath.
Yes, acutely aware of being grateful you didn’t live long enough to suffer and leave in times when they would have yanked us apart … Read more

In Its Otherness | Richard Jackson
In Its Otherness
Against Our Winters
You’d have noticed the turtle in my
garden first.
When the dog noses around, it hides
inside its own
dome of constellations.
The Flammarion
Engraving shows a man crawling under
the edge of the sky’s shell in an attempt
to reach eternity.
It was Aristotle who
claimed the dome of heavens above us was a perfect geometric figure we couldn’t breach … Read more